Data Dictionary

This page features the data dictionary for the National Residential Efficiency Measures Database, which supplies users with information about the database organization such as table structure, field names, and data element type and length.


Column nameData typeLengthDescription
ActionIDint4Primary key for actions
sNamevarchar765Action name
idComponentTypeIDint4The component type to which this action may be applied (foreign key)
idActionTypeIDint4The action type that this action belongs to (foreign key)
dEntryDatetimestampDate the action was created/entered
sNotesvarchar12000Additional notes about the action


Column nameData typeLengthDescription
ActionComponentFilterIDint4Primary key for action component filters
idActionIDint4Action which this filters components for (foreign key)
idPropertyTypeIDint4Which property type to use in the filter (foreign key)
isAfterComponentbool1 if the filter applies to the after component, 0 if it applies to the before component
isEqualbool1 if the property value is to be equal to, 0 if it is to be not equal to
sEqualsValuevarchar150The value of the property to filter based on


Column nameData typeLengthDescription
ActionTypeIDint4Primary key for action type
sDescriptionvarchar765Short text description of the action type
nBeforeMultiplierint4Multiplier on the before component cost used in determining measure cost
nAfterMultiplierint4Multiplier on the after component cost used in determining measure cost


Column nameData typeLengthDescription
ComponentIDint4Primary key for component
sNamevarchar765Name of the component
idComponentTypeIDint4What component type this component belongs to (foreign key)
dEntryDatetimestampDate the component was created/entered
isNullComponentboolA flag to indicate if this is the null starting component
sNotesvarchar12000Additional notes about the component


Column nameData typeLengthDescription
ComponentTypeIDint4Primary key for component type
idGroupIDint4Group that this component type is a member of (foreign key)
sNamevarchar765Name of the component type
dUploadDatetimestampDate that the components of this type were uploaded


Column nameData typeLengthDescription
ComponentTypeProvidesIDint4Primary key
sNamevarchar765Name of the service that a component type provides (ie furnaces, boilers, etc all provide space heating)


Column nameData typeLengthDescription
CostIDint4Primary key for cost
idCostTypeIDint4The cost type this cost belongs to (foreign key)
nValuefloat8average numerical value of the cost
nLowValuefloat810th percentile cost
nHighValuefloat890th percentile cost


Column nameData typeLengthDescription
CostTypeIDint4Primary key for cost type
idComponentTypeIDint4The component type for which this cost type applies (foreign key)
sDescriptionvarchar150descriptive name for cost type
sUnitsvarchar150Units of the cost $, $/ft^2, etc.
sDisplayUnitsvarchar150Units of the cost after being multiplied by the associated property if a property type multiplier is specified, otherwise same as sUnits.
idPropertyTypeMultiplierIDint4The property type by which to multiply this cost when calculating the measure cost. If no multiplier, leave as NULL.


Column nameData typeLengthDescription
DriverIDint4Primary key for drivers
sDrivervarchar765Description of driver
sCommentvarchar765Additional comments and notes


Column nameData typeLengthDescription
GroupIDint4Primary key for group
sNamevarchar765Name of group or broad classification of components


Column nameData typeLengthDescription
LifetimeIDint4Primary key
idLifetimeTypeIDint4indicates which lifetime type this lifetime is (foreign key)
idComponentIDint4Which component this lifetime applies to (foreign key)
nValuefloat8Numeric value of the lifetime


Column nameData typeLengthDescription
LifetimeTypeIDint4Primary key
idComponentTypeIDint4Component Type this lifetime type applies to (foreign key)
sUnitsvarchar150units of time for the lifetime (ie hours, years)
sNamevarchar150Description of the lifetime


Column nameData typeLengthDescription
idActionIDint4Link to 1 action (foreign key)
idCostIDint4Link to many costs (foreign key)


Column nameData typeLengthDescription
idActionIDint4Link to many actions (foreign key)
idReferenceIDint4Link to many references (foreign key)


Column nameData typeLengthDescription
idComponentIDint4Link to 1 component (foreign key)
idCostIDint4Link to many costs (foreign key)


Column nameData typeLengthDescription
idComponentTypeIDint4Link to Component Type (foreign key)
idComponentTypeProvidesIDint4Link to Component Type Provides (foreign key)


Column nameData typeLengthDescription
idComponentTypeIDint4Link to many component types (foreign key)
idDriverIDint4Link to many drivers (foreign key)


Column nameData typeLengthDescription
MeasureCostIDint8Primary key
idMeasureIDint4Measure that this cost applies to (foreign key)
nLowCostfloat810th percentile cost
nAverageCostfloat8Average cost
nHighCostfloat890th percentile cost
sUnitsvarchar150Cost units (ie $/sq.ft.)


Column nameData typeLengthDescription
PerformanceLevelIDint4Primary key
idComponentIDint4Component that this performance level applies to (foreign key)
sHowClosevarchar21"meets" or "exceeds"
dPerformanceLevelDatedateThe date of the performance level criteria


Column nameData typeLengthDescription
PerformanceLevelTypeIDint4Primary key for performance level type
sNamevarchar765Name of the performance level
sClimateZonevarchar765Climate zone of performance level (IECC and Energy Start for windows and doors) where applicable
sNotesvarchar12000Additional notes


Column nameData typeLengthDescription
PropertyIDint4Primary key
idComponentIDint4Link to component (foreign key)
idPropertyTypeIDint4Link to property type (foreign key)
sValuetextValue of the property numerical or string stored as a string


Column nameData typeLengthDescription
PropertyTypeIDint4Primary Key for property type
idComponentTypeIDint4Component Type that this property type applies to (foreign key)
sDescriptionvarchar765Name of property type
sUnitsvarchar765Engineering units for property type
sDefinitionvarchar12000Longer definition of each property type
sDataTypevarchar36Datatype against which the corresponding property values should be validated
nValueMinInclusivefloat8The value must be >= to this value
nValueMinExclusivefloat8The value must be > this value
nValueMaxInclusivefloat8The value must be <= this value
nValueMaxExclusivefloat8The value must be < this value
nValueEnumerationstextThe value must be one of the pipe delimited values in this list


Column nameData typeLengthDescription
MeasureIDint4Primary key
idBeforeComponentIDint4ID of the initial component in the measure (foreign key)
idActionIDint4ID of the action in the measure (foreign key)
idAfterComponentIDint4ID of the component that is in place following the measure (foreign key)